TRT World speaker gave Israeli ambassador a hard time

TRT World speaker gave Israeli ambassador a hard time

Israeli ambassador, Eitan Na’eh, has joined TRT World’s The Newsmakers programme and stated that his government is investigating the killing of Palestinian journalist Yasser Murtaja, contradicting an earlier statement from the Israeli defence minister. Yasser Murtaja had been shot during demonstrations near the Gaza border last week.

Na’eh told that Israeli army doesn’t target civilians and those who were killed were Hamas terrorists by adding that “Israeli army is the most moral army in the world.”

TRT World speaker gave Israeli ambassador a hard time WATCH

After ambassador’s statements, “Israeli snipers taking pot-shots at Palestinian unarmed civilians, and you’re telling me that one of the most moral army in the world?” asked Garda.

Na’eh, taken aback, has answered the question as soldiers shot unarmed civilians because of that they were posing a threat to the soldiers.

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