Turkey dresses the wounds of Afrin

Turkey dresses the wounds of Afrin

Turkey launched Operation Olive Branch to clear YPG/PKK-Daesh terrorists from Afrin, and to establish security along Turkey’s borders as well as to protect Syrians from the oppression and cruelty of terrorists.

Afrin was recently liberated from the PKK terrorist group’s Syrian affiliate People’s Protection Units (YPG) in northwestern Syria. Turkish soldiers carry on their works in the region, especially in the field of medical attention.

Turkish military has opened an emergency services hospital in Afrin The hospital, which can treat 400 patients a day, provides residents in the town of Jinderes with free medicine and treatments.

In addition to emergency medicine, it also offers services in pediatrics, internal medicine, physical therapy, ear, nose and throat, labs, radiology, anesthesiology, eye care, and general surgery.

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