Trump admits that being in the Middle East was a mistake

Trump admits that being in the Middle East was a mistake

US President Donald Trump said in an interview on Wednesday that the “worst mistake in US history” was the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan decided by George W. Bush.


“The worst single mistake ever made in the history of our country: going into the Middle East, by President Bush,” the president said during the interview. “Obama may have gotten (US soldiers) out wrong, but going in isto me, the biggest single mistake made in the history of our country.

Because we spent $7 trillion in the Middle East. Now if you wanna fix a window someplace they say, ‘oh gee, let’s not do it.’ Seven trillion, and millions of lives — you know, ‘cause I like to count both sides. Millions of lives,” the president explained.

“To me, it’s the worst single mistake made in the history of our country. Civil war you can understand. Civil war, civil war. That’s different. For us to have gone into the Middle East, and that was just, that was a bad day for this country, I will tell you.”

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