Trump slams EU on trade relations

Trump slams EU on trade relations

President Trump addressed at a summit for far-right group Turning Point USA on Tuesday.

In his speech, Trump touched upon the US’s trade relations with foreign countries.


Trump stated that  EU was a worse trade ally than China. “European Union is worse to us on trade than China, okay?  Nobody would think that.  You know, a lot of us come from European Union.  We come from Europe — our grandparents, our great-grandparents.  So you think, ‘Oh, isn’t that nice?’  Except, they kill us — the European Union.  It was formed in order to beat us economically, and yet we protect them with NATO.  So they rip us off on trade, and we protect them with military.” he said.

“But here’s the problem with the protection: They’re not paying their bills.  So the United States — I got $100 billion more in the last two years — $100 billion.  I got them to pay.” he added.

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