Turkey begins safe tourism era

Turkey begins safe tourism era

Domestic tourism in Turkey has begun as it returns to “new normal,” and the country is revving up efforts to gradually reopen to international travelers.

In this regard, hotels have started to design their facilities, including buffets, lobbies and pools, to maintain social distancing.


A safe tourism certification program has also been introduced to ensure if airlines, airports and other transportation facilities, accommodations and food venues are fulfilling the set hygiene standards.

Hotels and restaurants are submitting their applications to obtain the certificate based on 150 control points.

According to Muberra Eresin, the head of the Turkish Tourist Hotels and Investors Association (TUROB), Turkey’s certification program is one of the most comprehensive in the world.

“We will provide 25% discount to our members and 15% to municipal certified hotels within the framework of our agreement with RoyalCert. It is also valuable to attract tourists from around the world, especially from Europe, to make global audits,” she said.

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