Death toll hits 27,000 in Spain

Death toll hits 27,000 in Spain

For the third day in a row, Spain reported less than 450 new coronavirus infections and under 200 daily deaths on Wednesday, confirming positive trends in the outbreak’s evolution.

With 184 more fatalities, Spain’s official death toll now sits at 27,104. The country has also counted a total of 228,691 infections, for which nearly 124,000 people have been hospitalized.


Fernando Simon, Spain’s chief epidemiologist, in a press conference on Wednesday said the current trends are likely to continue unless things change due to “improper use of the new conditions of mobility that have been permitted.”

Around half of Spain, including big cities like Barcelona, and the capital Madrid, remains under a stricter lockdown than other parts of the country where outdoor terraces and small shops have opened.

Spain’s main epidemiological body is now publishing the basic reproduction rate of coronavirus in the country. As of Monday, it was at 0.78, up slightly from a low of 0.67 on May 5.

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