France confirms 16 dead from coronavirus

France confirms 16 dead from coronavirus

The number of coronavirus cases in France under intensive care has seen a rapid rise, increasing to 45 on Sunday after seeing 39 only two days prior.

The death toll in the country rose to 16 and the number of confirmed cases of the virus jumped to 949, most of them reported in the Oise and Haut-Rhin regions in the north.


The latest reported legislator to have contracted coronavirus remains unnamed.

Jean-Luc Reitzer, a conservative parliamentarian from Alsace, was the first from the National Assembly reported ill, hospitalized on Friday in intensive care in a hospital in Mulhouse, near the Swiss and German border. His condition has reportedly stabilized.

A worker from the assembly’s snack bar was also infected on Thursday.

With the escalating cases, President Emmanuel Macron has said an epidemic in France would be “inevitable,” pledging that the country was ready, with additional medical emergency units open in every department and daily press briefings issued by the Ministry of Health.

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