Google adopts new tools for better online education

Google adopts new tools for better online education

As educators worldwide have reinvented their practice online due to the coronavirus pandemic, Google will adopt new tools to help make virtual education easier.


“At Google, we’re honored to work on tools that lighten the load for teachers, school leaders, families, and especially the students who have navigated learning from home with grace and resilience,” Google has recently said in a blog post.

“This year, we’re taking a virtual approach to “back to school” with The Anywhere School, bringing Google for Education announcements to hundreds of thousands of viewers in more than 250 countries around the world,” it added.

Google shared over 50 new features across Meet, Classroom, G Suite, and other products, to support the teaching and learning process inspired by the feedback given by users.

Also, Google will give moderators of meetings more controls for managing such as choosing to always join first, ending meetings for all participants and disabling in-meeting chat. Google will also enable educators in Classroom to share a link to invite students to their class, which makes joining a class much easier.

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