Greece marks highest single-day rise since the start of pandemic

Greece marks highest single-day rise since the start of pandemic

Greece registered 108 deaths in the past 24 hours, marking the highest single-day rise the country has seen since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, health authorities said Saturday.


The death toll rose to 1,527, with the median age of fatalities at 80, and 97% had an underlying condition.

Another 2,311 cases were registered, slightly lower than Friday and Thursday when 2,581 and 3,227 infections were recorded, respectively. Of the new cases, 18 were reported at entry points.

All cases in Greece total 90,121, of which 4,787 are related to travel from abroad and 22,901 to already confirmed infections.

A total of 522 individuals are intubated while 460 have been discharged from ICUs since the start of the pandemic.

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