Macron urges to reconsider relations with Russia

Macron urges to reconsider relations with Russia

French President Emmanuel Macron spoke the day after hosting G7 summit clouded by concerns about US trade policies and tensions with China. While the summit ended with a call for “fair” and “open” trade, French President made remarks on Western nations’ policies.


Macron announced that the era of Western hegemony was coming to an end and called for a radical revision of relations with Russia. He stated that Europe has become an arena for the confrontation between Moscow and Washington, which does not meet the interests of European countries.

“We are seeing the end of Western hegemony in the world,” said Macron. “The circumstances are changing. China has moved into the front row, and Russia is doing better in its strategy.

“We’re either pushing Russia into isolation, which increases tensions, or to allyitself with other major powers like China. Otherwise, Europe will be stuck with ‘frozen conflicts and will remain ‘a theater forstrategic struggle between the US and Russia,” he added.

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