Putin mocks US embassy over LGBT flag

Putin mocks US embassy over LGBT flag

The US Embassy in Russia shows who is employed at the facility by hanging a LGBT banner on its building, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday.

He then laughed to show it was a joke and said he explained many times that the amendment to Constitution defending marriage as “a union of man and woman” does not suggest a limitation of rights on the basis of race, sexual orientation, nationality or religion.


“This is a scary thing but it’s not. We’ve made a lot of statements about it. Our position on this is clear. There has never been, and will not be a limitation of rights in Russia based on race, gender, nationality and religion,” he said.

As for a ban on homosexual scenes in movies, the president said minors have to grow up, become adults and then determine their fate. “Yes, we passed a law banning the propaganda of homosexuality among minors. So what? Let people grow up, become adults and then decide their own destinies.” he said.

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