UK changes coronavirus slogan over criticism

UK changes coronavirus slogan over criticism

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will replace the “stay at home, protect the NHS, and save lives” slogan with a new one “stay alert, control the virus, and save lives” on Sunday night.


In a Twitter post on Sunday, Johnson listed the five ways people could “stay alert”: Stay at home as much as possible, work from home if you can, limit contact with other people, keep your distance if you go out (2 meters apart where possible), and wash your hands regularly.

If a person or anyone in their household has symptoms, they must all self-isolate.

The Department of Health tweeted on Sunday : “As of 9am 10 May, there have been 1,821,280 tests, with 92,837 tests on 09 May. 1,334,770 people have been tested of which 219,183 tested positive.”

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