UK records 761 new deaths in past 24 hours

UK records 761 new deaths in past 24 hours

The Department of Health reported 313,769 people have been tested of which 98,476 tested positive on Wednesday.

“As of 5pm on 14 April, of those hospitalised in the UK who tested positive for coronavirus, 12,868 have sadly died.” it said.


The latest figures come as elder care home operators said on Wednesday that coronavirus is in over half of care homes and that the death rate there is much higher than reported in government figures.

The daily government figures only include deaths inside hospitals, and there are now calls for a daily death toll inside elder care homes. Around 620 deaths have taken place there in recent weeks, according to care home operators, but government figures only put the toll at 237 over the past two weeks.

The elder care home operators also expressed concern over a lack of personal protective equipment and discharged coronavirus patients being sent back to care homes despite them being filled with the most at-risk groups.

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